How can you easily hide a stone pillar with Kewlox

It is difficult to use the whole of the wall when there is a column which separates into two parts.

To surround this element with modular Kewlox furniture, all you have to do is take the dimensions of the wall and built items to define the cabinets which fit best.

If the wall is level, the two external cabinets will have the same depth and the cabinet in the middle will be less deep than the other two to compensate for the space.

If the walls are not on the same plane, then you can work with different depths of cabinet in order to obtain a wall assembly that is properly aligned on the front.

Bolting the cabinets to each other will ensure perfect alignment.

The width and height This furniture will be chosen according to your requirements, while retaining at least 10 cm of space between the ceiling for assembly.

When every centimetre counts, you can opt for customised manufacture, produced with millimetre accuracy. You can get some advice from in-store sales advisers, who will be delighted to help you complete your project.